Infusionsoft Tag Naming Convention
It's absolutely essential that all tags are named and labelled correctly, so anyone looking in a campaign can identify what does what and why.
Tag Structure
Status Tags: XX. Campaign Type - Campaign Name: 01. Completed Action - Next Action to be Taken
History Tags: XX. Campaign Type - Campaign Name: 01.0 History Type - Completed Action
System Tags: XX. Campaign Type - Campaign Name: 01. Completed Action
In order to create your campaign names you match the above up to the following.
XX. Campaign Type - Campaign Name: This is the name of the campaign, as you should have defined when naming it (see here how that's done).
Completed Action: This is the action a contact takes to reach this point in a campaign, for example, 'Opted In' or 'Clicked Email link'.
Next Action: This is the action we would like contacts in this sequence to take. It's a direct statement of what we require from them, e.g. 'Needs to Opt-In' or 'Needs to Schedule Call'.
History Type: This is the type of action a contact took to get to this point. This will be one of four actions:
- Milestone - A marker of progress through a campaign, such as 'Opted In'.
- Activity - A sub action within another Milestone, detailing which action they took to arrive at that milestone when there are numerous paths to a goal.
- Finish - When a contact completed the ideal goal of a campaign, such as buying a product, and there are no more steps to take.
- Exit - When a contact leaves a campaign.