How to Shell Out a Campaign in Infusionsoft


Here, we'll run through the basics of laying the foundation of your Infusionsoft campaigns.  With a bit of experience under your belt, you'll be able to draft out campaigns and their steps right onto the Campaign Builder canvas, and visually layout your structure and tagging basis.

Linear/Ideal Path

The Linear Path, as detailed in the video above, is the universal route that we want every contact that comes into our campaigns to take.  We place tag goals that represent each action that a contact would take (e.g. Opt In, Scheduled Call, etc) and layout the sequences that apply to everyone in each step.

infusionsoft-linear-pathLinear Path Example

Exit Paths

Exit paths are the ways a contact can leave a campaign and remove themselves from active status' and the marketing within.  These are essential to any campaign to ensure contacts have a way to avoid unwanted marketing, and keep our spam complaints down.

infusionsoft-exitsInfusionsoft exit sequences

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